June 11, 2020

Like a Dimmer Switch

Find out how the transition back to services again at Whitewater is not like flipping a light switch, but more of a 'dimmer switch.'

Cultural Conversations

A cultural conversation is happening surrounding race right now that will shape our country for years to come. I'm glad. (It has even eclipsed the coronavirus, which I didn't think anything could do!) And although whatever I (or you) say right now in this highly charged environment can be misconstrued or misunderstood, I hope you will continue to read, reflect, discuss, and respond in Christ-honoring ways because of it. As you heard in my message 2 weeks ago, I have made a renewed commitment to raise the value of racial understanding and inclusion in my life as well as the life of our church. By God's power, I want to do the right thing at the right time. I hope that's your prayer, too. As such, I have been on an all-out quest to read and listen to as many resources as possible on this subject from people I know. And as you may have guessed, I have had many sent my way! Here are a few I am absorbing right now that the Holy Spirit is using to shape me. They might be helpful for you, too.

Racism and Retaliation - the Ugly Nature of Sin

The Alisa Childers Podcast: #72 Race, Injustice, and The Gospel of Critical Theory, With Monique Duson

Multi-Ethnic Reconciliation

A Long Review of Yancey's Beyond Racial Gridlock

Ministry Leaders Share: This Is What It's Like to Be Black in America


Most asked question...

God cares about all people and desires everyone to be saved. That is our ultimate and most important mission - to help people find hope in Jesus and a home in His church. And our mission has never been more essential and current than right now. That's why, whether we're on campus or online, we're still on mission! Next week, I will share a specific answer to my most asked question right now - 'David, when will we have services again at Whitewater?!' Our staff are currently finalizing our plan, and you won't have to wonder (or email me) any more. It will be a transition and not like flipping a light switch. The metaphor is more of a 'dimmer' switch', as we fade back to in-person gatherings.

The first big (and exciting) date to write down now is Sunday, June 28 at 10am. We plan to host a great outdoor worship service that morning, so watch for all the details!


and finally...

Just so you know, too - our staff is investing quite a bit of time redesigning what post-Covid19 ministry looks like here at Whitewater. We are discussing, dreaming, and determining what should be canceled, continued, and created, so that whether on campus or online, we are still on mission. Thanks for your continued prayers. I'm very confident we will not please everyone no matter how great the plan, but my goal is NOT to make you happy, it is to help you be healthy and holy. That will not change.


P.S. One thing for sure we're not canceling is baptisms, because we're always on mission! So if you want to go All-In, even during COVID19, click here and let us know. We can do it in a way that is safe, exciting, and transforming, like Robert who went All-In recently.


Daily Dose of Hope

Don't forget about the Daily Dose on Facebook or YouTube on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7pm!


Watch Daily Dose of Hope

Contact Info:

Website: http://whitewatercrossing.org
Email: info@whitewatercrossing.org