Celebrate Easter with us online or on TV this Sunday.
Hope is rising this Easter and we plan to celebrate together, while still 6 feet apart. Sorry we had to cancel our Easter Drive-In (due to Governor DeWine's Coronavirus guidelines issued this past week), but Easter isn't canceled! Ask a friend to join you from the comfort of their home through Church Online at 10:30am and also watch our new Sunday morning Dose of Hope on Star 64/Local 12. Someone sent me this, too. Another advantage of Church Online!
Dose of Hope on Star 64/Local 12
I heard from many of you who watched last week and sent me pics.
Quinn Begley is the daughter of Megan on our Harbortown Staff. Quinn calls me her "Jesus teacher." I used Romans 15:13 in my TV message, and Quinn had been working on memorizing this verse because it was our Harbortown verse throughout the Hope campaign. Here is a video of her saying it. Feel free to email me back with pics of your family, your kids or even your pets doing Church Online. We love to see them!
Prose from Charlie Howard
Food Pantry leader, Charlie Howard sent his latest prose, which might be even better than his last one. Title of this one is 'It could be, but it's not.' Good stuff Charlie!
Today could be a same ole, same ole, but it's not
Today could be a day we judge others, but it's not
Today could be a day we go back to bed spiritually, but it's not
Today could be a day we watch basketball, but it's not
Today could be a day we could go out to eat, but it's not
Today could be a day we hug our loved ones, but it's not
Today is not what we expected
Today is not what we wanted
Today is different
Today we look to the Holy Spirit
Today we look for smiles
Today we look for hope
Today we provide hope
Today we are here
Today in this place
We are where we're supposed to be
We are home.
A Time to Give
The Life Center is on the front line of providing help and hope to people right now. Let's rally behind the upcoming Buy 1 Give 1: Campaign of Hope.
You can also continue to give regularly, so that we can be a blessing to people during this very fearful and fragile time.
Give Online
Speaking of Giving...
Ed Emley made a very special wood piece for me this week based on the last series we did on hope. He said, "As we wind down Lent, into Palm Sunday, Holy Week, and Easter.....and this Pandemic, there is no better time for hope than this time we live in now. Jesus Christ wore the crown of thorns to his death on the cross, and overcame death in three days. "HOPE" surrounded by the crown of thorns is a refreshing reminder of the power and Grace of God.....and the hope of that in our horrific Pandemic is to keep hope alive in these times." Agree Ed! Thanks!
and finally...
If you're looking for a great place to keep hope alive through the scripture, this is one of the best!
See you online or on TV this weekend. Let's keep hope alive in Cincy!
Daily Dose of Hope
Don't forget about the Daily Dose on Facebook or YouTube Monday through Friday at 7pm!
Watch Daily Dose of Hope
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Website: http://whitewatercrossing.org
Email: info@whitewatercrossing.org