Discover some of the ways our Sparkle Boxes are full of surprises and great joy this week!
Merry Christmas Friends!
Hope your Sparkle Box openings this week will be full of surprises and great joy! Can't wait to hear about it.
Last Saturday, a little after noon, our Solve 7 box truck creaked and groaned its way onto our campus overloaded with food (approximately 4,500 pounds of it!).
Our Life Center was the recipient of the Harrison Mayor's Fund Food Drive. It took the entire Harrison High School football team to load it up and some sparkling heroes on mission to unload it here at our Food Pantry. We also were able to gift about 1/4 of the donations to the Restoration Church just across the street from us to fill their food pantry. Love it when the 'Big C' church is working right! We know the 'sparkling' that transpired at the pantry this week will be used by God for His glory and purpose.
Christmas Eve Offering
The Christmas Eve offerings this week are critical, so we can continue sparkling for Jesus in 2021. 100% of what is collected will be invested outside our walls to support our Life Center and key strategic partners. You can donate in-person (with the offering boxes), by sending/mailing in, or giving online at this link. Be sure to write Christmas Eve Offering in the memo line of your check.
I was given this sparkle box from a cherished older member of the church who was planning on traveling Christmas Eve, and wanted to make sure it was a part of the offering. Love it.
I also received this picture of their upside down Christmas tree. Nice to know that folks are listening to my sermons! Sparkle really has helped us make this an 'upside down Christmas', as we have pivoted from consuming to contributing.
A great reminder
Have you seen this German advertisement yet? I've watched it several times. Makes me laugh AND cry! What a great reminder of what all this Christmas work is really about.
and lastly...
Please pray for all of us on staff as we lead all the Christmas services this week. We will be dispatching sorely needed Hope to all folks online and on campus. My neighbor, Jennifer made me a special mask to wear this year! Thanks, Jennifer!
Still believing that Hope (in Jesus) is the best dope!
P.S. Reminder: No in-person services on Sunday, December 27. In lieu of hosting in-person services, I am excited to announce we will be showing a Christmas special that morning online and on Star64 TV. It is titled Someone Worthy and was created by Tyler McKenzie and the Northeast Christian Church in Louisville. Check out the trailer!
Dose of Hope
Don't forget about the Dose of Hope on Facebook or YouTube, on Fridays!
Watch Dose of Hope
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