July 09, 2020

My Favorite Month

Find out why July is really a Good News month (HINT: outdoor worship service, first public in-person service, prayer walk, etc.).

July is my favorite month for many reasons. It is typically when I take my summer study break (it's a little different this year!), celebrate my birthday (July 8), and celebrate my wedding anniversary (July 11 - Happy anniversary, Honey!). It will also be a good month because we will re-gather for public worship after months of quarantine and isolation (assuming Covid cooperates in Hamilton County).



Outdoor Worship Service

We will begin our safe, slow, and sanitized re-gathering plan with another Outdoor Service on Sunday, July 19 at 10am. And we will be doing All-In baptisms (with masks) for anyone who had been thinking about it as part of that service!! Just bring your swim suit/trunks - the water (and forgiveness!) will feel good.

Don't forget to register for this event - click here


Our first public in-person service

All this will lead us to our first public in-person worship services on Sunday morning, July 26 at 9:30am and 11:15am in our Worship Center. Per Coronavirus guidelines, each service will be limited to a little over 300 attendees, and folks will need to Register. We remain committed to re-gathering in a way that prioritizes everyone's health, safety, and comfort. So stay tuned, as we may need to postpone this July 26 date if we see that Covid spikes or we have an outbreak in our church. Our staff and Covid19 Task Force of ministry, medical, and legal leaders are informing us every step of the way.

For those of you who are still uncomfortable returning to the campus for worship, we totally understand and encourage you to visit our Online Campus and watch on Star64/Local 12. Watch Parties are also an awesome way to stay connected. Remember - whether on campus or online, we are still on mission!



Unified Cincy Prayer Walk

July will also be special because we are joining over 50 other churches to participate in a Prayer Walk of Unity downtown this Saturday, July 11 at 10am. Text your small group or friends and meet downtown to let our city know that Jesus and His church are the real hope for this broken world! Remember - whether on campus, online, or downtown! - we are still on mission!



We are all about Good News right now. In fact, we are on a tour and quest to find, share, and create Good News in our communities in the name of Jesus. Our anchor verse these days is found in John 10:10, where Jesus says, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the fullest." Jon Tisevich did an outstanding job last weekend introducing our tour, and I can't wait to continue the tour this Sunday with a message on finding Good News in the Interruptions of Life.


and finally...

I've noticed that many of you are working hard to be Good News to our staff and me this month, too. Thank you. Pastors right now are under extreme pressure, and your prayers and patience are life-giving to me. Mark Clark pastors one of the largest churches in Canada, and recently wrote 'An Open Letter To Pastors In A Divisive Time.' If you're interested in what goes on behind the scenes in a pastor's world these days, you can read it here.

I love July for so many reasons! Mainly because I still get to be your pastor and partner with you to help people find hope and a home in Jesus. That is worth celebrating!



Daily Dose of Hope

Don't forget about the Daily Dose on Facebook or YouTube on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7pm!


Watch Daily Dose of Hope

Contact Info:

Website: http://whitewatercrossing.org
Email: info@whitewatercrossing.org