The Good News is that this neighboring thing is not as hard as we think. Read more to see how God is on the move at Whitewater.
Hi Church Neighbor!
New staff member, James Gray, shared a motivating line with me this week that syncs so well with our current Neighboring focus.
But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women.
It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, and don't take yourself too seriously-take God seriously.
How are you doing with that kind of Neighboring? (Check out the message from last week!) We are so much better together! Here's some Good Neighbor news... God is on the move. And you need to know it. When we are bombarded with bad news every day, the good news can get drowned out.
Here's some more good news...
Our student ministry started meeting again in the building two Sundays ago, and our Harbortown KIDS are up next, reopening this Sunday at both the 9am and 11am services.
Harbortown Welcome Back! - What to Expect
I even signed up to serve in the 3-year old department this Sunday morning because we are having a shortage of volunteers there.
In these extraordinary times, there's nothing I won't do for God - even chasing toddlers! Whatever it takes.
Our children are treasures, and I was recently blessed by one very young lady who came up at the end of service last Sunday with a picture she had drawn for me.
She said, "I wanted to give you some hope." Those words were so meaningful to me after another stressful week as your pastor. It is so true - 'A little child shall lead them.'
Good news from our Online community
Our Online Pastor, Conor Doyle received this email from Gary last week:
"Personally, I am impressed that Whitewater Crossing staff has established a pastor for the online ministry. We watched the original announcement and your introduction during a Sunday service. Being open enough to realize the concept of church attendance may be changing is more forward thinking than most churches. I'm looking forward to meeting you and other staff members.... I am looking forward to attending Whitewater Crossing in person someday, but not before the risk of the virus has lessened. In the meantime, we will continue to attend virtually. It definitely isn't the same, but I've talked with others who are enjoying online services... I'm sure we'll meet sometime, whether online or in person."
This is such a great email for multiple reasons, but a tremendous reminder that we have hundreds (if not thousands) who are a part of our Online Campus who have never been to our building, but are blessed by our ministry. We are digital neighbors!
Good news in Giving
Your faithful giving makes all this possible, by the way. Thank you. The coronavirus has created a 'K' shaped economic recovery. If you're trending down in that 'K' and are in a season of shortage and cannot give like you want, we so understand. But if you're a part of that upward 'K' and have been blessed with more right now, your generosity is needed, so the church can bless others who are in need. For more info and giving opportunities at Whitewater, click here.
You can give things beyond money, too! Our Hoxworth Blood Drive is October 26 from 12-6pm and we need you!
Did you know every day, 300 blood donors and 40 platelet donors are needed to help save lives in our local community. Join us at Whitewater and be(come) a donor! All types welcome.
Appointments are encouraged. Let us know you're coming. Register through Hoxworth or you can also call Hoxworth at (513) 451-0910.
and finally...
I just love author/speaker, Bob Goff! He's been talking about loving your neighbor as long as Mr. Rogers. He makes everything sound so simple and logical. In his devotional book, 'Live in grace, walk in love' he wrote this...
"God isn't dazzled when we go across the ocean. He delights when we go across the street. It's great to map out a plan to use your gifts to make the world a little more beautiful or functional, but try not to forget that you're already where you are. Go change the world from where you are, while you're moving toward where you wish you were. Changing the world turns out to be easier and harder than we tend to make it: it's easier because it doesn't take as much money or time as we think it will, but it's harder because, like the workouts we avoid, it takes courage, commitment, and sacrifice in the moment...."
Well said. Great reminder that this neighboring thing is not as hard as we think. Take one step this week to love God and love your neighbor. You'll be the one most blessed.
Dose of Hope
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