April 16, 2020

Can Easter Hope Continue?

See how Whitewater is continuing to provide Easter Hope.


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Hey Whitewater,

Can Easter Hope Continue?

It was a powerful Easter in ways we could never have predicted one year ago. Our online attendance had a total of 5,508 engaged viewers, and we are hearing from many who were encouraged, along with numerous people who have never even attended in person at Whitewater before!

And I'm not even counting Harold, the dog from the Godar house who watched!



The Church Working Right

The world has indeed changed dramatically over the last month because of the coronavirus. Our lives, homes, businesses, rhythms, and habits have been deeply altered and, in some cases, devastated. People are reeling and maybe for the first time in a long time, are turning to God (and us in the church) for answers. Google searches for prayer, church, God, and church online have significantly spiked! Friends - that's why there could not be a better time to BE the church working right! Let your neighbors know the Hope you have!



The Perfect Time

This is the perfect time to be #ForYourStreet through a One Another group. Matt Wright (small group champion) is encouraging us to go to that page and jump into a local group on Facebook. He's a part of the Delhi Group and pumped to see how this community grows. Let people know they're not alone right now.



Your Generosity

I knew our church was filled with generous people, but this has been confirmed over the last month as you have given to the mission here. I am so proud of the faith and sacrificial giving being done. We braced ourselves for what this virus might do for our giving, but in the past four weeks we are 99.56% to budget. Keep it up, Whitewater! We are able to provide so much help and hope because of it. People are giving online, people are mailing their checks in, and some have even dropped them off in person! We have been receiving notes with checks that say "Thanks for all you are doing. Use where needed most in this critical time." "Here is my tithe - I know you can use the financial help." I cannot tell you what that does to this Kentucky/Ohio pastor's heart!

Give Online


and finally...

Here is a fantastic prayer for this Easter from our friends at the National Christian Foundation. So good and so true!

See you this Sunday for Church Online or on TV with the Sunday morning 'Dose of Hope' on Star 64/Local 12.

Let Hope continue!



Daily Dose of Hope

Don't forget about the Daily Dose on Facebook or YouTube Monday through Friday at 7pm!


Watch Daily Dose of Hope


The Latest on Star 64 / Local 12

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Contact Info:

Website: http://whitewatercrossing.org
Email: info@whitewatercrossing.org