January 01, 2021

A Sparkling New Year! | The Direct - Jan 1, 2021

As we close out 2020 and begin 2021, see how we are continuing to sparkle so that every number has a name, every name has a story, and every story matters to God.

A sparkling Christmas

Did you have a sparkling Christmas? Thought so. Especially if you joined our Sparkle Box initiative. One participant emailed their 'sparkle' story and gave me permission to share...

Good Morning,

I wanted to tell our Sparkle story. We have been a part of Whitewater Crossing for about a year and a half but other than attending and taking the Financial Peace class, we have not been very involved. In March, I came and talked to someone about helping in the Life Center but then everything shut down. Anyway, I've been watching online and wanted to share my Sparkle Box story and how God works through people.

Recently, the mom of our son's friend found herself in a hard situation. A stay home mom suddenly left single. Recently, her car broke down in front of the shop of another friend. He blessed her with fixing the car and this started a snowball of God working through people, and we were able to gift her and her children $700 and gifts. Although she had a very difficult time accepting the gift, I explained to her that God works through people, and it was nonreturnable. I gave her the book and explained she could pass blessings on when she can. Thanks for the sermon series and the opportunity to Sparkle for God.

Thank you for sparkling on Christmas Eve with the special offering (and it's not too late to give!). We're still adding everything up and will report back when we get final totals! My buddy, Ed dropped by on Christmas Eve with his check (and said he added a zero, too!). Thanks Ed.


Thank you Whitewater change makers and leaders for uniting together in a time of disunity, contributing instead of consuming, and serving others instead of self this past year. I love you!


The New Year

I must say, I am happy to turn the page on 2020. My granddaughter, Brooklyn Porter made this ornament for their tree and it summarizes it all: Masks, toilet paper, and COVID.


What resolutions will you make for this brand new 12 months before us? Making good choices won't be easy. Here is a picture of a choice I have today on my desk. Which one??


Make sure to be here this Sunday in-person or online. Jon and I will share some thoughts about 2020 and some of the church's goals for 2021.

Our buddy, Caleb had some good thoughts for resolutions this coming year! Check this out.


Help us finish strong

Only hours remain in 2020, and if you haven't yet made a gift to Jesus through Whitewater, do it now here. It will help us immensely in finishing the year strongly, and you will be blessed.

Secure Donation Portal

If you're looking for confirmation as to why we give, let me share a picture of a member of our online community. Here is Timi with her daughter, Amelia, and Yuri. Timi moved to Florida from Hanoi, Vietnam, was introduced to Whitewater by Jerry Francis, and now watches regularly. God works in mysterious and marvelous ways! And your generous giving means Timi and Yuri are now raising up the next generation of Christ-followers. You can't make this great stuff up!


This is the church working right, friend! Even as we close out one year and begin another - every number has a name, every name has a story, and every story matters to God.

See you next year!



Dose of Hope

Don't forget about the Dose of Hope on Facebook or YouTube, on Fridays!


Watch Dose of Hope

Contact Info:

Website: http://whitewatercrossing.org
Email: info@whitewatercrossing.org