Jason Wessel Elder

Born and raised on the Westside of Cincinnati (currently living in Cleves), I attended Our Lady of Lourdes and Elder High School before studying Applied Science (specifically Nuclear Medicine) at the University of Cincinnati. Later, I earned a degree in general studies focusing on theology from the College of Mount St. Joseph before obtaining a Master of Business Administration from The Ohio State University. God's blessed me with an incredible family - all of whom live on the Westside (Harrison, Western Hills, Cheviot, Cleves). My wife Maria and I married in 2013 and have a wonderful blended family made up of 3 daughters (Alix, Ava, Olivia), a son (Ben), and 3 furry children (Lola, Maggie, and Luna) - as well as one beautiful granddaughter and multiple grandpups. Maria and I have been a part of Whitewater Crossing since 2011 and have loved serving in many roles (Guest Experience, Prayer Team, Maria in Harbortown, and me as an elder now). Serving as an elder has allowed me to gain wisdom from a group of godly men as we focus together on the health of our church, pastoring those seeking a relationship with Jesus, and praying for protection for our church leaders and congregation. I love playing golf, cycling, boating, and cooking (specifically outdoor cooking - ask me about cinnamon apples in BBQ!). I'm genuinely passionate about feeding people with both food and faith. There are countless impactful verses in the most remarkable book ever written, but here are two that I keep going back to: If any of you lack wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously without finding fault, and it will be given to you. (James 1:5) As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17) I feel called to seek God's wisdom and help sharpen those people he puts in my path - and I invite you to reflect on what God is guiding you to do through scripture. Please keep praying for our church as we strive to make disciples who build disciples who build disciples!

Jason's Story
