Buy 1 Give 1

6:00 pm

Help our community by donating non-perishable, personal care or cleaning items or return the blue bags distributed last Sunday with items listed on the bags. The Solve 7 truck will be accepting donations in the Whitewater Crossing parking lot on Thursday-July 9, 6-7pm and Saturday-July 11, 10-11:30am.

Suggested non perishable items for donation: saltine crackers, cans of tuna, cereal, ramen noodles, salad dressing, ketchup, picnic packs of salt & pepper, etc.

Suggested personal care items for donation: shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, bar soap, feminine care products, toilet paper, etc.

Suggested cleaning items for donation: laundry pods, dish detergent, all purpose cleaner, etc.

Monetary Donations: Our connections with the Free Store Food Bank and Master Provisions allow us to buy food for pennies on the pound. That helps us stretch your spending value to purchase more. You may drop off your check or cash donation or download our app to give online at  (Under General Fund, click on 'Give One Time or Recurring.' In 'Under Giving Type' choose Food Pantry.)
