The All-Church Holly-Jolly Cookie-&-Gingerbread-House Decorating Festivus-For-The-Rest-Of-Us
Hey you. Do you like cookies? Yeah. We do, too. And we'll bet your neighbors enjoy a cookie or two. And who doesn't appreciate a well-built Gingerbread House?
Don't miss THE ALL-CHURCH HOLLY-JOLLY COOKIE-&-GINGERBREAD-HOUSE DECORATING FESTIVUS-FOR-THE-REST-OF-US CHRISTMAS BASH on Sun Dec 17 @ 5:30-6:30PM in The Landing. We'll be slinging freshly baked cookies out of our Whitewater kitchen and providing all the construction materials for your very own Gingerbread House project - all for you to decorate - with Christmas music and fun all around.
We'll provide all the makings. You provide the creative touch! We're just so excited to get together as a church family!
At 6:30PM, our Whitewater Youth (6-12th grades) and Whitewater Kids (ages 0 through 5th grade) will transition to their One Night and Jingle Jam (read below!), and The Landing will remain open for any and all to keep hanging out! You're also invited to come enjoy Jingle Jam in the Worship Center, no matter your age!