May 28, 2020

We Are Still On Mission!

Read this week's Direct to see how, whether on campus or online, we are still on mission!

We continue to see God's power in the midst of this coronavirus pandemic. Whether on campus or online, we are still on mission!

Our Senior Staff are meeting regularly to review and implement strategies that include objectives and initiatives in our evolution to being an online church who happens to have a physical location in Cleves.

They are:

Resourcing and making our Online Campus excellent and effective.

Figuring out how we pivot and creatively reinvent ourselves to do ministry online and sustain that for the long term. Everything from spiritual formation, groups, serving, children/student ministry, connection, and conversion. Thousands are watching Online and through STAR 64/Local Channel 12. (If you watched the STAR 64 service last Sunday, you noticed it was a repeat from the previous week. This was an error with the station, and we apologize. They hope to get it corrected for this Sunday, so keep tuning in at 10am and keep those prayers coming.)

Shifting to hyper local strategies.

This involves organizing Watch Parties where smaller groups get together, watch the online service, and then discuss it, building out various micro sites, and providing a missional presence in select areas. Watch for the Watch Parties information soon!

Ensuring ALL of the Whitewater church family is connected, cared for, and loved.

Especially our older folks and those who are not connected to a small group yet. Prolonged isolation is deadly.

Transitioning to some in-person, on-campus activities in safe and inspiring ways.

Exploring creative uses of our building and campus with things like drive-thru and drop-in experiences with people who are ready to do so. For example, yesterday, we hosted a 5th-Grade Drive-Thru Graduation for Miamitown Elementary.





Normally, the 5th graders, their families, and staff members from the school come to our campus for the day to celebrate this milestone, but because the "normal" celebration couldn't happen this year, we moved everything outside and made it drive-thru and socially distancing friendly!

Our Food Pantry/Life Center has been doing drive-thru food distribution since all this started, and now Picnics THRU the Parking Lot will be added every Wednesday in June from 11:30am-1 pm as families drive-thru our parking lot and receive a picnic to go - including a bagged lunch, bag of groceries, fresh produce, and activity bag. We are also hosting our first ever Drive-Thru Communion/Prayer Service on Sunday, June 7 here on our campus. It will be safe, simple, and short. Please drive over and participate...Donna and I can't wait to wave hello. Remember, Whitewater Crossing has never really closed. Whether on campus or online, we are still on mission!


More like a dimmer switch

Regathering will not be like flipping a light switch - more of a dimmer switch, but at some point we will resume in-person worship gatherings in the Worship Center. However, we don't want to set a date till it can be great! These regatherings will be shaped and informed by what we know, see, and hear. I will share the specific results of the recent congregational survey next week, but we can already tell there is some significant anxiety and concern about regathering right now. That's why, whether we are on campus or online, we are still on mission!

To hear the heart and drivers of how we are approaching ministry right now at Whitewater, watch my State of The Church talk.


and finally...

Your continued prayers and giving allow our wonderful church to remain open for Jesus business! So thanks for your generous and sacrificial support. Remember, you're not giving to the church, but you're giving through the church to bless thousands with help and hope.

See you at our Online Campus this Sunday. My message is on the movie Remember The Titans and it's about racial reconciliation. Could that be any more relevant right now in our country?!

I love being online and on mission with you!


P.S. Our friend and occasional guest teacher, Tyler McKenzie had an outstanding article in the Christian Standard magazine this week. Take a moment to read it this weekend.


Daily Dose of Hope

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