September 16, 2020

Solve 7 newsletter Aug 2020

Solve 7 continues to be a year-long emphasis on removing physical barriers to make way for spiritual opportunities!


Solve 7: Help people find hope by removing physical barriers to make way for spiritual opportunities.

Find, Feed, Clothe, House, Educate, Rescue, Heal



Solve 7 just keeps going!

In order to continue the impact of Solve 7, it has to be more than just a one day thing we do each year. It has to be a life-long, yearlong emphasis on removing those physical barriers to make way for spiritual opportunities!

Go to anytime to get connected in serving & helping solve problems!



As you may remember, over 400 people came out Thursday, February 27 for our night of worship through serving and singing! Next on the schedule was to be our Serve Saturday – the 1st Saturday in May, which didn’t take place this year due to the coronavirus! Our Solve 7 Sunday was scheduled for September 20 here at the Cleves campus, but due to the current situation we are in and the opportunity to have a greater impact, we are pleased to announce…

Our Kick-off Celebration at Civic Park Amphitheater in Downtown Lawrenceburg


Sunday, August 30 at 10am

The whole Whitewater Family is invited to join us!

Serving in many ways and projects throughout the month of September!

We have already begun by doing “Breakfast & Backpacks” for Lawrenceburg teachers & students!



We will be working through small groups and those interested in serving with us, to bring good will and hope to Lawrenceburg, as we begin to have a presence in that area.


Important Solve 7 Dates:

  • August 30 at 10am - Solve 7 Kick-off Celebration Sunday in Lawrenceburg
  • Through-out September - Serving opportunities in Lawrenceburg



Solve 7 is funded through 10% of your giving to the Ripple Campaign. Keep it up & finish strong!

If you don’t know what the Ripple Campaign is, click here or contact Beth Maxey at


Good News Tour Stories

Solve 7 was pleased to partner through our last teaching series, The Good News Tour, and bless several families.  

Watch one of our stories!


Introducing our newest Solve 7 partner - Rock Solid Families

Even though there is nothing new about who they are and our working together, we have formalized our partnership with Rock Solid Families. Merrill and Linda Hutchinson lead this ministry and are very familiar to us here at Whitewater. We are excited to continue to see how our strategic partnership can strengthen individuals, marriages, and families through the power of God and His word.



Update on GO Trips

To help bring the hope of Jesus…

We are planning on offering GO Trips in 2021! We will have a full list available in the Fall. 



Our Missionaries to Asia - Laminda, Denise, Levi & Judah Ubhayawansha are hoping to visit this Fall! (postponed from this summer)

We have been able to partner with them in some cool ways during the Pandemic through Solve 7. Watch their video!


Did you know?

Solve 7 Local Resourcing through the Life Center continues to grow and expand in both depth of relationship with neighbors, friends and family, as well as resource connections. We strive to help people find solutions to barriers, hope through unconditional love, and empowerment for life change.

The Life Center Resource Fund and partners are directly supported through our Christmas Eve offering.

During this COVID-19 time, it’s been an evolving development of how we connect with people, but we are thrilled to say we have returned to onsite appointments for counseling and requests. We are masked to “love” others with caution and armed with best practice cleaning. Meeting with our friends and neighbors in person is an opportunity we will never take for granted again!

Financial Resourcing - During June and July, your dollars were spent to form stabilized housing and provide electricity, transportation, job and budget skills, masks, and even shoes to start a new job. Total Cost: $13,701 - Value: Priceless

Food Resourcing - From your generous donations to our Buy One, Give One Campaign, we collected over a ton of food and fed hundreds of families through our Food Pantry, the Mobile Food Pantry, Mobile Meals, and eight consecutive weeks of Picnics thru the Parking Lot. Total Cost: Priceless - Value: People loving people

Thrive Pointe Counseling – Continues to partner with us to serve the emotional/mental health needs of families both a part of our church & surrounding communities.

Thank you to our many dedicated LC volunteers and for your many prayers and contributions to be God’s heart, hands and feet.

Get connected with the Life Center! If you are interested, contact Terri Beth Faust at You will be blessed beyond measure!

Upcoming Life Center Connectors:

  • Shoes for Souls: August 29, 10am-12pm
  • Basic Budget Class: September 20, 4-6pm



Wheels Ministry – Highlights

  • Received 89 vehicles to date for the year
  • Awarded 32 vehicles in June and July

Wheels hit a slight bump in the road in March, April and May when the shop was virtually on shut-down because of Covid-19. It reopened in late May with a limited volunteer crew of ten or less and cut hours of operation virtually in half. Volunteers are eager to get back into full operation, but the Wheels Board has chosen to stay the course and follow Covid mandates, as ordered by the Governor of Ohio. Masks are worn by all volunteers and social distancing is practiced as much as possible!

Wheels expects to be back in full operation, just as soon as they can. Until then, they continue to be a beacon of Hope for those struggling to do life without a reliable vehicle!

Recent Stories:

A 2007 Chrysler Town & Country was given to Michelle. Michelle is a member of the Restoration Church across from us on 128. She works tirelessly to give away food and clothing, and resource people who are in need. She is a divorcee who takes odd jobs to pay the bills so she can lean into her passion of helping provide basic needs for people in our local area and even some ministries in western Kentucky. Michelle is single but delivers so much product to so many, that a car she can transport things in is a great blessing to her.


To donate a used motor vehicle in decent condition, or on how to volunteer at Wheels, please contact them at or (513) 873-2610, or


Solve 7 throughout the year

Check out our web page for updates & coming events!