Five things I highly recommend to you
1) Our current weekend series
I am loving our message series, A Better Way. And I would have dominated in that trivia question game JT began his message with this past week! Before you enjoy all that candy from Trick or Treating this Sunday, come and get fed by the Word of God and The Sermon on The Mount.
2) Lisa LaRosa's inspiring talk/testimony... the student body and staff of Seton High School as part of their Green Week/Wellness Walk. Lisa and her husband, Mike attend Whitewater and are being known these days for so much more than making great pizza! Lisa is on mission and actively mentoring sharing her story and Lord with student-athletes as a coach with the girls' soccer team. Here is her message about how those listening can develop a stronger relationship with God through daily prayer and their faith.
3) Operation Christmas Child
The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God's love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Through this project, Samaritan's Purse partners with the local church worldwide to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations. To participate, pick up a shoebox provided this Sunday which will have all the instructions inside, then fill the box with gifts, and bring the filled box back by November 14. What a great way to launch your Christmas season!
If you're part of our Online Campus Community and you want to participate in this project, click here to find out how!
For FAQs, click here.
Click here for a list of suggested gift items and items not allowed.
4) Speaking of Christmas
Our theme for December will be Wonder in the Waiting, and we have tons of exciting plans to celebrate Advent. In case you like to plan ahead (I know some of you do!), we will host four Christmas Eve services this year:
- Thursday, Dec 23 @ 6:30pm
- Friday, Dec 24 @ 12pm, 2pm, 4pm
Harbortown Kids will be open only for Nursery/Birth through 3-year-olds during these services:
- 12/23 - 6:30pm
- 12/24 - 12pm and 2pm
There will be NO Harbortown Kids ministry at the 4pm service on 12/24.
Showing generosity - We will be showing generosity by collecting our annual Christmas Eve offering at all services. We'll share details on that as we get closer.
December 26 - there will be no in-person services. We will all join our online community that day and hear a brief message from JT and me for both online & Star64/WB.
5) Extensions and Connections
Extensions are a way for us to grow - to extend ourselves outside of our comfort zone and start taking risks for the Kingdom of God. Extensions: Grow starts on Wednesday nights from November 3 through December 8 at 6:30pm at Whitewater. Sign-up by clicking here.
Whitewater Connect is the perfect first (and next) step if you're new. Connect On Campus is coming up on November 14 @ 10:15am. Sign-up here.
Fall is finally here - one of my favorite times of the year! Participating in these things will make yours great, too!
See you this Sunday. No tricks, all treats!
David Vaughan
Senior Minister