Staffing Update
Want to let you know that WCCC staff member, Micah Odor has accepted a new job as the Dean of the Russell School of Ministry in Florence, Ky. Below is the press release from Dr. David Fincher. Although this was an unexpected surprise, those that know Micah know this is the perfect job for him. It matches his strengths, gifts, and passion to disciple and teach students in an academic environment.
Because the timing of this offer coincided with the announcement of JT as my successor, Micah wants his church family at Whitewater to know the two are not related. He fully supports JT and his leadership. Micah and his wife, Judi love the church here and will stay engaged, and their kids love Harbortown and Whitewater Youth. Micah will officially conclude his ministry with us by the end of July but will continue to do some part-time contract work after that with our technology/church database systems as he eventually hands these responsibilities off to others.
I want to personally thank Micah for all he has done for Jesus, Whitewater, and me for the past eight years. I rejoice for my friend but will miss having him available just down the hall to handle all the unique things Micah can do. When you see Micah, show your appreciation and celebrate this great new opportunity for him.
Off to a great start
I also want to mention that the chatter and momentum are really good as we get groovy this summer! Our Summer of Love has officially begun as we focus on what we call Solve7. We are putting our faith into action both here and around the world. Through multiple projects and multiple teachers this summer, we will bring love, truth, and hope as we love our neighbor as ourselves.
Can't wait to see the church working right!
See you Sunday as we celebrate the 4th of July and our freedom in Christ!
P.S. Please return any backpacks with school supplies this Sunday, July 4th, too.