May 01, 2021

Moments Lead to Movement | The Direct - April 29, 2021

God is working the moments into movements!

Moments Lead to Movement

Moments like the one pictured here are part of the movement we've seen at Whitewater over the last year, where people are finding hope in Jesus and a home in His church!


Need a laugh?

This video made me laugh out loud. We indeed are sheep, so prone to wander. And it's why being a Pastor is so hard some days!


Follow up from last week

I talked last Sunday in my message about the consequences of wandering in your marriage. I mentioned we are now forming classes for Divorce Care and Healthy Marriages. Reach out to for more information. I also mentioned one of our fantastic strategic partners at the Life Center is Rock Solid Families. We recommend their very effective pre-marital counseling program, as well as ongoing counseling they offer for any age and stage of marriage. Contact for more information.


A Global Ministry

As we see the COVID vaccine increase, we are seeing folks slowly begin to return to in-person worship again. We've had our largest in-person gathering attendance since the pandemic began (around 1000), but we recognize that our largest ministry/opportunity is now online. We are actually a global ministry with local impact now. We will lean even more into this as the COVID dimmer switch, that was turned down, begins to lighten again in our building and we are able to relax more. This is a key piece of our big Strategic goal in 2021 of reaching new people and spreading the good news.



We have shared so many moments together in the last 14 months. Some sad times, some mad times, but many of them glad times, because now we see how God was at work helping us improve our eternal mission of helping people find help and hope in Jesus. May these moments lead to movements!

See you Sunday!


P.S. When was the last time you took a good look at our church website? Our uber talented team is always making improvements and adding features, so use it as a tool to grow and also invite your friends and family to engage in this movement and mission.