December 20, 2021

Help and Hope This Christmas

Help and hope through Toy Store

We provided help and hope as our trusty Solve7 truck was loaded with toys and went to H.O.P.E.-full Pastures in Hamilton as phase 2 of our Toy Store.





Pam Stoll received the following email from Christa at H.O.P.E.-full Pastures. Awesome stuff!

Whitewater Crossing Christian Church,

How can we begin to thank you for the tremendous impact you made on the lives of families we serve and those in our fostering community? Thank you to each and every person who invested, gave of their time, and served so graciously! We are truly grateful! As Alison said, "THANK YOU!!! Thank you! THANK YOU!" You each made a difference in the children's lives, we serve. Thank you for being a part of their healing.

We look forward to partnering with you in the future, especially if this is something you would be interested in doing next year.

Thank you all! Merry Christmas!



Help and hope in disasters

In disaster situations, Whitewater Crossing responds in a coordinated effort with strategic partners to meet the needs of those affected. We will be providing help and hope to those affected by the horrific tornadoes in Mayfield, Kentucky.

We decided to focus on a "Second Wave" of supplies to go down in a few weeks. At the present, we are collecting product donations described below. We invite you to bring in any of the items through January 2. With the help of the Whitewater Life Center, volunteers will sort, process, and deliver these donations through established supply lines to get them to areas of greatest need.

Suggested items:

First aid items
Diapers/diapering supplies
Personal care items
Cleaning supplies
Cases of water

Every donation is equally important and makes an incredible difference in the lives of disaster victims. Thank you in advance for your generous acts of love and kindness.

We also dispatched a truck full of food and supplies last Sunday to Mayfield in Charlie Howard's future son-in-law, Daniel's truck. He visited Costco and they also gave him some stuff. Daniel is a construction worker and spent the night sleeping on a cot at a church near the tornado area. This week he will be on a work crew.


A little Christmas joy...

...also headed to Mayfield, Kentucky




Christmas Week Services

We will be providing help and hope through our Christmas Week services, too. Hope in Jesus spiritually as we finish our Wonder in the Waiting series and help in Jesus as we collect our annual Christmas Eve Love Offering.

Reading the gospel of Matthew's genealogy of Jesus again revealed that he included the outcast, scandalous, marginal, and foreigner. The family Jesus comes from anticipates the family he has come for. Let's keep that approach alive this year on Christmas Eve, and do your best inviting! Christmas Week service times are:

  • December 23 at 6:30pm
  • December 24 at 12, 2, and 4pm

Christmas Eve Love Offering

Our practice and tradition on Christmas Eve is to receive an offering that we totally give away to others. This year, it will be a 50/50 split between the Life Center (and her partners) and at-risk students in the Three Rivers school district. You can mail a check in to the church (please note it is for the Christmas Eve offering) or use the link here to give electronically. Giving was modeled by the Wise Men and we would be very wise to give our best to Him, too!



Remember, too, there will be no in-person services on Sunday, December 26. Watch online as you enjoy your family, some coffee, and newly opened presents!



No doubt, sometime this month, you will sing one of the favorite Christmas carols of the season - Joy to the World. Here's the back story to that great song, which you may not know!

What great words they are, Help and Hope. Especially when they are connected to Jesus, The One born in the manger, and the one who was crucified, resurrected, and coming again! That's what we're celebrating right now. Keep that hope alive!


David Vaughan

Senior Minister