Everything has changed, including the way sports, travel, education, medicine, etc. work. Find out how churches have to learn to pivot in this new world.
Ways to Watch
I am so excited to exit my self-quarantine (Donna and I are just fine BTW) and worship with you outside this Sunday morning. We had almost 600 there last Sunday, so bring your lawn chair, an umbrella for the rain (or sun), and join us for the next stop on The Good News Tour! If you're uncomfortable returning to the campus for worship, we totally understand and encourage you to visit our Online Campus and watch on Star64/Local 12 (there was an issue with Star64 last week, which we hope is corrected this Sunday). Watch Parties are also an awesome way to stay connected. Remember - whether on campus or online, we are still on mission!
It's a Whole New World
COVID-19 is not just an interrupter, it's been a disruptor to everything on planet Earth. The Wall Street Journal has been talking about how everything has changed. The way Disney operates, the way sports and travel/airlines work, the way education and medicine works, and even the way family celebrations work.
Churches that want to be movements and not museums or mausoleums, will have to learn how to pivot in this brand new world. You will hear me talking more about this over the next month as we develop a 12-month strategy and structure to accomplish our timeless mission. We're going to embrace redemptive disruption.
If you're not convinced church has changed, take a moment to read this interesting (and sobering) article about Christians not attending church during the coronavirus months.
Reaching Lost People
Our mission has never been more important and the opportunities to reach lost people have never been greater! That's why your continued support, especially financial, is critical. Our Finance Team shared that we are 91% year-to-date with our giving plan (expected offerings and spending). In this Covid season, this is outstanding! Thank you for investing in the work of God here.
YOU are the Church
I know some of you are still anxious to return to worship inside. I miss meeting inside the church building just as much as you, if not more. But let me remind you again, YOU are the church/building of God. Since when does an indoor worship gathering make or break you as a Christian?! Because of Covid, our future strategy cannot be just about gathering, but also scattering. It shouldn't be just about a building (although we have to talk about that!) or a service, because YOU are the building and YOU are the service to others. That has never been truer than right now.
and finally...
I am exhausted, too, but also energized by the future and all God is doing to build His church. And the gates of Covid-19 will not prevail against it!
See you online or outside this Sunday.
P.S. Read this fascinating article about Dr. Fauci's boss who shared some powerful perspectives as a Christian Scientist about how science and faith work together.
Daily Dose of Hope
Don't forget about the Daily Dose on Facebook or YouTube on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7pm!
Watch Daily Dose of Hope
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Website: http://whitewatercrossing.org
Email: info@whitewatercrossing.org