We are still on mission as we slowly reopen the building in a safe and simple way, like our Outdoor Worship Service.
Whether on campus or online,
we are still on mission.
Outdoor Worship Service
Hope to see you this Sunday, June 28 at 10am! We are hosting a great outdoor worship service, and I can't wait. The forecast is currently not too great, but we are on rain or shine, so bring an umbrella. You can stay in your car and listen on your FM radio or sit on your lawn chair and enjoy the live music and message that day. Obviously, if you have a temperature or are feeling sick, stay home and watch online!
Please click on the link and register and note, the Outdoor Service will not be broadcast online or recorded for TV.
Plans for regathering
As I mentioned last week, we now have a date on the calendar (July 26) when we will regather in the building to worship (for those who are comfortable doing so). It will be at reduced capacity following all the recommended distancing guidelines. More details to come soon. We also are slowly reopening the building in June and July for small groups and ministries in a safe and simple way.
I've been in touch with a large number of pastors/churches who have reopened or will open in July like us and it is as complex as anything I have ever seen in my decades of ministry. It's not as simple as you may think in churches the size of Whitewater. A good friend of mine whose church is a little larger than ours opened three weeks ago only to have to shut right back down because there was a staff member who tested positive and their staff had to be quarantined. So continue to trust God, me, our staff, and our timetable. And please continue to hold everything loosely. This virus and this world are in constant change, and we must remain flexible and faithful.
I'm thrilled about seeing you again, in person, outdoors this Sunday and definitely on July 26. Although it might not be as grand a regathering as we would have preferred, safety is our top priority. As I've said before, the church has never really been closed, and we are more alive and more open than ever right now!
Blessings in the crisis
Candidly, this coronavirus crisis (which I now believe is an unprecedented blessing) has afforded us the opportunity to reinvent the church in ways unthought of before now. It has forced us to creatively embrace a true Acts chapter 2 model of being the church through methods that are not worship service or building centric. For this I am grateful and excited. More on this down the road, but remember, our mission can be accomplished through lots of methods. I'm so glad.
and finally...
Now is the time for all of us to retool, relearn and rededicate ourselves to getting better in every area. Hope you're taking advantage of this time to do some personal development. If you haven't heard yet, we have a new podcast for parents called the Re?Think Parenting podcast. Our Family Ministry staff talk through big questions, life situations, and spiritual parenting techniques with experienced guest speakers. You can visit our YouTube page to listen in every week.
See you this Sunday. Because, whether on campus or online, we are still on mission.
P.S. If you cannot make the Outdoor Service this Sunday, still watch on Star 64/Local 12 or visit our Online Campus for a special message from me this week.
Daily Dose of Hope
Don't forget about the Daily Dose on Facebook or YouTube on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7pm!
Watch Daily Dose of Hope
Contact Info:
Website: http://whitewatercrossing.org
Email: info@whitewatercrossing.org