March 12, 2020

Coronavirus Update: March 12, 2020

Based on Governor Mike DeWine's order issued today at 4pm, we will not be meeting on campus this Sunday but instead want to invite you to, the Whitewater App and our Facebook page for church online starting Sunday at 9am. Tonight's Thursday night service at 6:30pm will meet as normal.

Based on Governor Mike DeWine's order issued today at 4pm regarding the Coronavirus, we will not be meeting on campus this Sunday but instead want to invite you to, the Whitewater App and our Facebook page for church online starting Sunday at 9am. The full service including music along with custom content for your kids and students will be available. This change will be for this immediate weekend, and we will keep you updated on future plans as decisions are made. 

Tonight's Thursday night service at 6:30pm will meet as normal. If you choose to attend tonight, please keep in mind:

  • Do not attend if you are sick (including staff or volunteers)
  • All major touch points are being disinfected before and after large gatherings at the church. This includes exterior and interior doors, water fountains, touch screen check-in stations, bathroom fixtures, worship center chair arms, etc.
  • We will be using prepackaged communion instead of passing plates
  • We are not serving coffee at our regular stations. Free coffee will be available at the Landing.

This is a great reminder that the church is a body and not a building! We may not be in the same physical location this weekend, but we will be worshiping the same God together. Our calling has always been to help people find hope. As our Hope series teaches, seasons of disorder are a chance for us to learn, grow, and shine as light, as we serve families, the most vulnerable, our city, and our world. Through our Life Center, Whitewater will serve as a resource hub for area communities and schools to provide food for under-resourced kids who will not be attending school for the next several weeks. That's the church working right! Make sure to sign up for online giving as this virus will undoubtedly affect our in person offerings, and your regular auto giving will help us continue to provide help and hope to others!

Moving forward, and by God’s leading, our decisions will continue to be guided by information from local, state and federal officials. We place a high value on gathering together and will continually assess the wisdom of physically meeting together and update you regularly. For specific ministry updates, please check with your leader. Event and group leaders will be communicating with their teams over the next few days. The office will remain open during regular office hours

We want everyone in our Whitewater family to find their refuge in God (Psalm 73:28). We understand that you may have concerns about yourself, your neighbors, or even the unknown. If you would like to talk with someone or request prayer, please reach out to your ministry leader, email, or call (513) 661-5811.

David Vaughan offers this video to encourage us in both precaution and prayer.


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Ohio Department of Health

Hamilton County Public Health

Kentucky Family & Health Services

Indiana State Department of Health

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention