High School years go fast. In just a few short years students will be unleashed into their future. At this stage they are no longer looking for identity, but for purpose. They have a desire to do more than just exist. They want their lives to count. As they prepare for a life that pushes them to adult and make decisions, they can feel the pressure and stress of preparing for that time. It’s at this time we come alongside them to re-communicate who they are in Christ and remind them that He is for them and will never forsake them. It’s also the time we layer on opportunities for them to make self and spiritual discoveries that stick beyond the safety net of home and student ministry.  

We believe students have been created by God to be world changers. We know that when God created every person He tucked within them gifts to be used for His mission. We are intentional at providing opportunities that help students to explore, use, and refine their gifts. 

High School is about preparing them for a future of faithfulness and Kingdom impact.

High School Union

The Union *
Sundays, 11:15am
Doors and check-in open at 10:50am
Students are dismissed at 12:20pm. It's a good idea to set a location to meet your family. 

*HIgh School students start out in The Union, but relocate to room S306 for high-school level teaching and engagement.

NOTE:  Beginning January 12, students will meet from 6-8pm.