Upcoming Events

CIY MIX (6th-8th)

CIY MOVE (9th-12th)

It’s tough being a teenager. Almost every message they hear communicates that in order to count in this world you must be perfect, you must drive towards higher achievement, and average is bad. Statistics continue to reveal that today’s American teenager is the most stressed, depressed and anxiety-filled generation of all times.

The Union is the place where students can catch their breath. We are intentional at being the place where students can laugh, feel loved and discover that God is for them, “no matter what.”

We know that faith is not “one size fits all” and that students are all over the place in their faith journeys. The student ministry opportunities and experiences we provide offer easy “first steps” and intentional “next steps.” Each step produces forward motion towards faith, acceptance of Jesus, and purpose in His mission.

We want every student who makes a first step into the The Union to feel welcome, accepted and loved. When students experience a place that loves like Christ, and is like no other place they’ve ever experienced, it will compel them to move forward towards faith, towards Christ.

The next step after students become aware of Christ is to help them move towards developing a real and personal relationship with Him. At this step, students move into smaller communities known as small groups. Small groups create a much needed support community that provides encouragement. They also take students into a more focused time of helping them develop spiritual knowledge, disciplines and knowing how to live a life that reflects Christ.

The next step in our growth plan is for students to feel God’s presence through serving. We believe that God created every student with unique capabilities, known as “spiritual gifts,” to be used for His kingdom. A huge part of our spiritual growth plan is to create a culture of serving. When students serve, they learn what it means to be used by God. This can’t be taught, it must be experienced. Through serving in positions at church, in the community and globally, students build on their spiritual learning and sharpen their leadership abilities. We desire for all students to graduate empowered and equipped to impact the world for Christ, one person or mission at a time.

Volunteer in The Union!