
We are all called to love our neighbor,

but how do we start?


God’s plan for the church growing is individual Jesus followers loving their neighbor, one person at a time. Join a "One Another" Facebook group near you to connect with each other, serve one another, encourage one another, and carry one another's burdens.

Be Salt & Light

For My Street is a commitment to Pray, Play, and Stay on our streets as a good neighbor. We believe that the local body of Christ-followers called the church is the hope of the world! That means everyone being salt and light where you live, work and play. 

Throw a Party

Be the church where you live by hosting a Watch Party. Invite a small group of your neighbors to come to your home for fun, fellowship and church online.

Street Map

You don’t have to be Mr. Rogers to be a good neighbor, but it might help to learn from him. This series will answer the question why we should love our neighbor, but more importantly, how do we start to be great neighbors. 

September 20: How to Be a Good Neighbor
September 27: How to Overcome the Obstacles 
October 4: How to Be Better Together 
October 11: How to Throw a Great Party
Printable Image of Fridge Magnet (8 1/2 x 11," landscape)

Dig Deeper

This sermon series is based in part on the book, The Art of Neighboring: Building Genuine Relationships Right Outside Your Door. Learn how to begin creating true and lasting friendships with the folks who live right beside you.

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